To request Bobby to speak at your event, please complete the form below.

Who will be attending? Will there be any guesst that Boby should be aware of?
Will the event be livestreamed or posted online?
If main event POC will not be present, please enter name of on-site POC.
Please describe how the event will look (head table, lectern, etc.).
Please indicate where Bobby will be seated and who will be seated with him.
Please describe the A/V arrangements.
Please describe Bobby's role in the event (brief remarks, keynote address, workshop, etc.).
Please indicate who will introduce Bobby (name, title, role, etc.).
Please provide the event agenda (You can email one to bobbykipper@thekippergroup.com if that is more convenient.).
Will you need a bio and headshot of Bobby?
To what address should Bobby's bio and headshot be sent?
What other details does Bobby need to know about the event?